EC.901 |
Edgerton Center Independent Study - Graded
Opportunity for independent study under regular supervision by a staff member. Projects require prior approval, as well as a written proposal and final report. Students work with international community partners to continue developing projects, focusing on one or more issues in education, design, or public service. Final presentations and written reflection required. May be repeated for credit for a maximum of 12 units.
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UG |
Staff |
Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer |
EC.910 |
Edgerton Center Undergrad Teaching
An opportunity for undergraduates to participate in teaching and tutoring Center subjects and seminars. Students develop one-on-one teaching skills under the supervision of an Edgerton Center instructor.
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UG |
J. Bales |
Fall, IAP, Spring |
EC.980 |
Independent Study - Graduate
Opportunity for independent study under regular supervision by a staff member. Projects require prior approval, as well as a written proposal and final report.
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G |
Staff |
Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer |
EC.990 |
Edgerton Center Grad Teaching
An opportunity for undergraduates to participate in teaching and tutoring Center subjects and seminars. Students develop one-on-one teaching skills under the supervision of an Edgerton Center instructor.
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G |
J. Bales |
Fall, IAP, Spring |
EC.S00 |
Design and lead an experiential learning event for IAP
Students develop teaching skills as they prepare to lead an IAP (Independent Activities Period) event/workshop supported by the Edgerton Center. A uniquely MIT tradition, IAP provides faculty, students, staff, and alumni with an opportunity to share and/or explore a wide variety of academic and non-academic topics. IAP offerings are distinguished by their innovative, playful spirit and fusion of fun and learning. The offerings created by students in this course can range from 1 event to a series of workshops.
Through weekly hands-on meetings, students choose topics, design and pilot lessons, learn from each other, and finally schedule their IAP offering. Open to students of all levels and disciplines who will be on campus during IAP and willing to offer an event/workshop.
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UG |
Brancazio, D., Staff |
F1:30-3:30 |
Fall |
EC.S02 |
Build Your Own Bike
Manufacture a steel single speed bicycle frame, install parts, and ride it. Students will meet with D-Lab instructors for a required meeting in December to choose geometry. MIG welding training is a prerequisite and will not be taught as part of this course. One complete set of components needed to make the bike rideable will be provided.
For credit, 2 units. Five students only, undergrad or grad.
Interested students will need to be available for December meeting with instructor. Contact Jack Whipple (whipple@) directly to confirm prereq and confirm December meeting date. Twenty additional hours to be scheduled with Instructor in shared lab space.
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UG |
Whipple, K.J. |
EC.S03/ 6.S092 |
The Art and Science of PCB Design
The Art and Science of PCB Design is an introductory course into the fundamental aspects of developing electronic systems on printed circuit boards (PCBs). This course will heavily focus on providing hands-on labs with electronic design tools actively used in industry towards designing a primary course project resulting with the physical assembly of a PCB-based device. Students will gain experience in designing systems, conducting SPICE simulations, drawing schematics, and creating a PCB layout. Complex topics in electrical and PCB design will be explored, including from guest speakers and through advanced simulations. This class is intended for students of all skill-levels but at a minimum requires a basic understanding of circuit analysis, which will be applied towards learning how to implement real devices. Prerequisites: Understanding of basic circuit analysis provided in 6.200, 2.678, or equivalent. Prospective students who have not taken 6.200, 2.678, or an equivalent class will be required to pass a staff-created open-book pretest, prior to the start of IAP, that covers required circuit knowledge for the course. Prospective students should fill out the interest form located at:
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UG |
Will Vu, Deepta Gupta, Sarah Pomerantz |
Lectures: MWF10, room 2-190, Labs: 2-hour lab section on Tuesdays and Thursdays, room 38-530, Office hours: MWF 8a-10a, 11a-1p; TTh 5-7p, room 36-144 |
EC.S04 |
How to Build an Engine
Students will each manufacture a functioning internal combustion engine. Advanced mill and lathe skills, both CNC and manual, will be taught and practiced. Previous milling or turning experience is good to have but not required. All materials and tools will be provided.
Very limited spaces.
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UG |
Belanger, M; Yong, C. |
MTWRF9-12:30 | First two weeks of IAP (Section A), MTWRF1:30-5 | First two weeks of IAP (Section B) |
EC.S06 |
Special Subject - Thermal Energy Networks for Rapid Decarbonization of Campus, Neighborhood, and City Buildings (U)
This course explores Thermal Energy Networks (TEN) drawing inspiration from local and North American expertise, with lectures based on leading professional association trainings (IDEA, California Geo, ASHRAE) including the IGSHPA Certified GeoExchange Designer (CGD) course. It will cover both fundamental topics (air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps, geo-exchange, thermal energy storage, waste heat recovery), and advanced topics including TEN case studies of several leading campuses.
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UG |
S. Murcott, H. Michaels |
W9a-12p |
Spring |
EC.S11 |
Special Subject - Thermal Energy Networks for Rapid Decarbonization of Campus, Neighborhood, and City Buildings (G)
This course explores Thermal Energy Networks (TEN) drawing inspiration from local and North American expertise, with lectures based on leading professional association trainings (IDEA, California Geo, ASHRAE) including the IGSHPA Certified GeoExchange Designer (CGD) course. It will cover both fundamental topics (air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps, geo-exchange, thermal energy storage, waste heat recovery), and advanced topics including TEN case studies of several leading campuses.
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G |
S. Murcott, H. Michaels |
W9a-12p |
Spring |
Undergraduate Research (UROP) - P/D/F
Undergraduate research opportunities in the Edgerton Center. Throughout the year, the Edgerton Center sponsors a variety of UROP positions ranging from electronics and design projects to teaching 4th to 8th graders. (P/D/F)
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UG |
Staff |
Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer |
Undergraduate Research (UROP) - Graded
Undergraduate research opportunities in the Edgerton Center. Throughout the year, the Edgerton Center sponsors a variety of UROP positions ranging from electronics and design projects to teaching 4th to 8th graders.
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UG |
Staff |
Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer |